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فروش Spohn Burkhardt joystick
پیمان الکتریک
از جمله فعالیت های این شرکت:
de Spohn + Burkhardt
Palm handles G9, G25 for master controller (3/5A)
Handle UGC (3/3C)
Handles G22, G21 (3/2)
Handle G27 for controllers ST0, ST1 (3/2A)
Additionals in handle NNS0 (2/1C)
Universal handles UG, UGN, UGD (3/3, 3/3A, E 3/3-3 - E 3/3-5)
Universal handle UGA (3/3B)
Multiplexer-system ESS097 (3/4C)
Handles B, B1N (3/5)
Handle G1 (3/6)
Handles (3/7)
Special handle G2 (3/8)
Handle G4T (3/9)
Technical data (1/1)
Controller GM0N, SM0N (4/0 + 4/1)
Controller M0N with spring return (4/0 + 4/2)
Controller ST0 (5/0 + 5/2)
Controller ST1 (5/0 + 5/4)
Controller ST2 (5/5)
Controller VCS0 and KVCS0 (7/1 + 7/4)
Controller CS1 (7/5)
Controller CS1G (7/11)
Controller NS3 (8/1)
Controller NS3 (8/2)
Controller NS3G (8/4)
Controller VNS0-E, VNS0-V (9/2)
Controller NNS0-FE, NNS0-FV (9/2N)
Controller VNS0-G, VNS0-H,
Drive-brake controller VNS0
Adjustable drive-brake controller VNS0
Drive-brake controller ST0
Drive-brake contoller FBS (11/1)
Drive-brake controller FBS
Rail train systems customer
Transmitter DG0 (13/1 + 13/2)
Potentiometer and attachments (14/1A - 14/1D, 14/2, 14/3, 14/5, 14/5A, 14/5B + 14/7)
Programmable optoelectronical absolute encoder OER (15/11A + 15/12A)
Programmable optoelectronical absolute encoder OGRPP (15/13)
Optoelectronical absolute encoder OGF (15/14 - 15/16)
Programmable absolute encoder MER (15/17 + 15/18)
Optoeleltronical absolute
Portable control station T-011 (20/2)
Portable control station IDV-CS065 (20/4)
Portabel control station T-56 (20/5)
Portable control station T97A (20/6)
Portable control station T-022A (20/8)
Portable control station TP022, TP022A (20/9)
consoles FSK, FSKD (22/5i)
Operator consoles FSR, FSRD (22/5R)
Operator consoles FSRH, FSRHD (22/5R-1)
Operator consoles rotatable FSMD, FSMDF (22/6)
Operator consoles rotatable SV1C (22/7)
Operator console FSMMD (22/9)
Operator console FSMMD-SHN (22/9-1)
Operator console FSAL (22/10)
Custom made operator consoles
Operator console SV0G (22/3A)
Operator consoles SV0B, SV0BK (22/3)
Console units NS0P, NS0PK (22/1)
Console stands SV0, SV0K (22/2)
Resistor descriptions.- and elements (W1 - W3 + W15)
Resistors-single elements, hoisting devices (W4, W24, W25, W5, W17 - W17-5)
Stainless steel grid - load resistors (W6, W22, W23, W7, W17 - W17-5, W8 + EW25)
Custom made resistors
Joysticks MON Model Plastic Miniature Serie
Joysticks SMON Model Plastic Serie
Joysticks VCSO Model Plastic Serie
Joysticks VNSO Model Metal Serie
Additionals, Handles | Controllers | Rail Train Systems | Synchrotransmitter, Potentiometer and Encoders | Portable control stations | Pendants | Operator control units | Rail systems | Pedals, foot switches | On deck controller | Resistors | Starters | Spare
پیمان الکتریک
تلفن های تماس:
دارای 15 خط
تلفن: 02133999193 33993009 /33993055 /
موبایل: (مهندس مقدم)09127701494
آدرس : تهران، لاله زار جنوبی، کوچه بوشهری، مجتمع تجاری تهران الکتریک، واحد 203
ساعت کار:
یکشنبه تا چهارشنبه : از ساعت 9:00 تا 19:30
پنجشنبه : از ساعت 9:00 تا 14:30