
شنبه 4 اسفند 1403


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فروش مواد شیمیائی مرک آلمان4

Gadolinium(III) oxide 99
اکسید گادولینیوم
نیترات گالیوم
Germanium(IV) oxide
اکسید ژرانیوم
Glutardialdehyde solution 25%
محلول گلوتارآلدیید 25٪
هگزا متیل دی سی لازان
Indium granular
ایندیوم گرانول
Indium(III) oxide
اکسید ایندیوم
سولفات ایندیوم
Cobalt powder
پودر کبالت
Lanthanum(III) chloride heptahydrate
کلرید لانتانوم 7آبه
Lanthanum(III) oxide
اکسید لانتانوم
Sulfuric acid 100% for conductivity measurements
اسید سولفوریک خالص برای تجهیزات هدایت سنجی Lithium nitrate
نیترات لیتیم-نیترات لیتیوم
L-Lysine monohydrate
ال-لیزین یک آبه
Manganese powder
پودر منگنز
Agarose for nuclein acid electrophoresis
آگاروز برای الکتروفوروز
Molybdenum powder
پودر مولیبدونیوم
Molybdenum(IV) sulfide
سولفید مولیبدنیوم
112264 di-Sodium hydrogen citrate 1,5-hydrate 99+
112268 Octyl sulfate sodium salt for surfactant tests
112274 Sodium thioantimonate(V) nonahydrate LAB
112276 Neodymium(III) oxide 99+
112277 Nickel powder 99+
112285 Niobium(V) chloride 98+
112292 Sodium 1-octanesulfonate for surfactant tests
112298 Triton® X-100 for gas chromatography
112310 Silicon standard solution traceable to SRM from NIST acidic, (NH4)2SiF6 in H2O 1000 mg/l Si CertiPUR®
112321 Samarium(III) oxide 99+
112327 LEUCOGNOST® mixture of fixatives fixative for enzyme cytochemistry
112349 Tantalum powder 99+
112352 Tantalum(V) chloride 99+
112356 Tellurium dioxide 99.5+
112363 Silica gel 60 WRF254s, 0.1 mm 25 HPTLC plates 20 x 10 cm for AMD acc. to DIN 38407-F11
112374 Thrombin (from bovine plasma) 50 NIH-U/mg for biochemistry EC
112379 Titanium fine powder 98+
112384 Titanium hydride fine powder 98+
112392 Vanadium powder 99+
112393 Vanadium(III) chloride 99+
112400 Bismuth powder particle size < 150 µm (> 100 mesh ASTM) 99+
112403 Bismuth(III) chloride 98+
112406 Tungsten fine powder 99+
112410 Ytterbium oxide 99+
112411 Yttrium powder 97+
112412 Yttrium oxide 99+
112416 Tin(II) sulfate LAB
112422 N-Acetyl-L-cysteine for biochemistry
112450 Hafnium(IV) oxide UV tablets grey, about 2 g (HfO2) Patinal®
112463 Ion exchanger Amberlite® IRA-402 (strongly basic anion exchanger), Cl¯ form
112469 Holmium(III) oxide LAB
112488 N-Acetyl-DL-tryptophan EMPROVE® Ph Eur,BP
112513 Trifluoroacetic anhydride for gas chromatography
112516 Yttrium(III) nitrate hexahydrate 99+
112518 Florisil® (0,150-0,250 mm) for column chromatography
112523 Lactalbumin hydrolysate enzymatically hydrolyzed for microbiology
112533 Dodecyl sulfate sodium salt for biochemistry and surfactant tests
112535 Maximum Recovery Diluent for microbiology
112537 UV lamp 254 nm for thin-layer chromatography
112539 Silicon monoxide pieces larger than 50 mm Patinal®
112553 Coomassie® Brilliant blue R 250 (C.I. 42660) for electrophoresis Trademark of Imperial Chemical Industries PLC
112571 CN F254s 25 HPTLC plates 20 x 10 cm
112572 NH2 25 HPTLC plates 20 x 10 cm
112576 Chemizorb® Hg absorbent for mercury
112587 BRILA broth for microbiology Fluorocult®
112588 Lauryl sulfate broth for microbiology Fluorocult®
112630 Spectromelt® A 100 di-lithiumtetraborate
112635 Parteck® Delta M (Mannitol) EMPROVE® Ph Eur,BP,JP,USP,E 421
112636 Acetonitrile for DNA synthesis (max. 10 ppm H2O)
112647 Antistatic device for earthing metal containers when dispensing and filling with flammable solvents
112668 DIOL F254s 25 HPTLC plates 10 x 10 cm
112936 Oxidizing decomposition reagent for compounds containing P and N Oxisolv®
112937 Tap (PE) attachable, self-venting, for 5 l, 10 l and 25 l PE canisters with KS 60x6 external thread
112938 Tap (PE) self-venting, for vessels with 3/4" internal thread (2" to 3/4" reducer supplied)
112939 Lactose Standard 5 % solid water standard for coulometric/volumetric Karl Fischer Titration and Karl Fischer oven
112979 BIOQUANT® Total dietary fiber reagent kit for 100 determinations
112994 Florisil® (0.150-0.250 mm) for residue analysis
112996 Spectromelt® A 20 lithium metaborate
112997 Chromium powder less than 0.3 mm (Cr) Patinal®
113051 SCHAEDLER agar for the cultivation and isolation of anaerobic bacteria Merckoplate®
113108 Plate count agar for determining the total bacterial count Merckoplate®
113110 Titriplex® VS (Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) USP
113116 Yeast extract agar acc. to ISO 6222 and Swedish Standard SS 028171 for microbiology
113124 RP-18 WF254s 25 HPTLC plates 10 x 10 cm
113126 Silicon dioxide highly dispersed extra pure Ph Eur,NF,E 551
113134 Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 3,571 mol/l (1/0,28 N)
113136 Hydrochloric acid c(HCl) = 0,357 mol/l (1/2,8 N)
113171 HPLC Starter kit
113175 Spectromelt® A 1000 Li2B4O7 + 0,07% LiBr
113187 Silica gel 60 F254 25 HPTLC plates 5 x 10 cm with concentrating zone 5 x 2.5 cm
113192 NH2 F254s 25 HPTLC plates 20 x 10 cm
113194 Urotest AB test strips for the detection of antibacterial substances (inhibitors) in urine
113203 UV lamp for microbiology
113212 Acetonitrile for DNA synthesis (

تلفن: 021-44702168-44719700
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منطقه: تهران
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