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الکترونیک،برق و مخابرات

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قيمت:   ۶,۰۰۰ تومان

لیست پروژه های موجود » الکترونیک،برق و مخابرات

حقوق انتقال برق در بازار برق 73ص

حقوق انتقال برق در بازار برق 73ص


فصل اول - مقدمه         1


فصل دوم - ساختار بازار        5

 2-1- اهداف در عملكرد به شيوة بازار      6

 2-2- مدل هاي بازار برق       6

 2-3- ساختار بازار        7

 2-4- انواع بازار برق        11


فصل سوم – معاني PTR , FTR        13

 3-1- دلايل اسفاده از حقوق انتقال      14

 3-2- حقوق انتقال فيزيكي       15

 3-3- حقوق انتقال مالي       16


فصل چهارم  - طراحي بازار انتقال       18

 4-1- طراحي بازار انتقال       19

 4-2- مالكين حقوق انتقال مالي       21


فصل پنجم – معيارهاي عملكرد بازار       34


فصل ششم – بررسي بازراهايي كه در آنها FTR به حراج گذاشته مي شود   37

 6-1- بازار PJM       38

 6-2- بازار نيويورك        48

 6-3- بازار كاليفرنيا       55

 6-4- بازار نيو اينگلند        58

6-5- بازار تگزاس       60

6-6- بازار نيوزلند        63


فصل هفتم – نتيجه گيري        66

منابع           73




Markets for Financial Transmission Rights

Tarjei Kristiansen

Norwegian University of Science and Technology,

Department of Electrical Power Engineering



Abstract: This paper surveys the markets for financial transmission rights (FTRs) around

the  world.  FTRs  are  used  to  hedge  the  costs  associated  with  transmission  congestion.

Currently these rights are in use in PJM, New York and New England. A variant of financial

transmission  rights,  which  has  both  a  physical  and  a  financial  aspect,  was  introduced  in

California  in  2000.  Similarly,  flowgates were  introduced  in  Texas  in  2002.  FTRs  are  also

planned  for  introduction  in New  Zealand.  The  features  of  the  FTRs  and  the  design  of  the

different FTR markets are described. The paper focuses on how FTRs can be acquired, their

advantages and disadvantages, and their market performance.


Keywords: Financial Transmission Rights; Auctions; Hedging; Property Rights.


1  Introduction

According  to Hogan  (2003)  transmission policy  stands at  the center of electricity

market design. The basic principles are open access and non-discrimination. Financial

transmission  rights  (FTRs)  facilitate  competitive  open  transmission  access.  The

proposed  standard market  design  in  the US will  reduce  seams  between  regions  and

markets. Certain critical market activities  require  standardization  in order  to  support

efficient operation with open access and non-discrimination. The design  includes an

independent  transmission provider, which administers a single  tariff and operates  the

transmission system to support essential services.  There should be a coordinated spot

market  for  energy  and  ancillary  services,  which  employs  bid-based  security

constrained  economic  dispatch  with  locational  marginal  cost  pricing.  The  design

includes  bilateral  contracts  with  a  transmission  usage  charge  for  each  transaction

based  on  the  difference  in  the  locational  prices  at  the  points  of  injection  and


In  these  electricity  markets,  generators  receive  the  locational  price  at  the  point

where they inject power into the market and loads pay the locational price at the point

where they have withdrawn power from the market. When the locational price differs

between the generator and the load, the load or generator may be subject to congestion

fees. FTRs as described by Hogan  (1992) entitle  the holders of FTRs  to  receive  the

value of congestion as established by the locational price difference. Thus a holder of

an  FTR  between  a  generator  located  at  point A  serving  load  at  point  B would  be

indifferent  to any difference  in  the  locational prices between  the generator and  load

locations. The FTR would effectively reimburse the holder the same amount it pays in

congestion fees. In the case of an FTR option the payoff would be non-negative. FTRs

are  assumed  to  redistribute  congestion  fees  (or  the  congestion  costs  of  market

players), which can be considerable  in  the US power markets as  illustrated  in Figure

1-1.  In  PJM  (Pennsylvania,  New  Jersey  and  Maryland),  FTRs  are  called  fixed

transmission  rights,  in  New  York  transmission  congestion  contracts  (TCCs),  in

California  firm  transmission  rights  and  in New Zealand  and New England  financial

transmission rights. In Texas  the flowgates are named  transmission congestion rights


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