نمک شیلاتی جدید درکارخانه نمک صنعتی بادانه بندی جدید تولیدشد
تولید میکند
Fisheries salt
Cheese salt
Waltz salt
Resin granular ... salt
Coarse ... of salt is known commonly as the fishery salt or
cheese salt in the market.
Due to the criticality ... type of salt is commonly known as fishery salt or
cheese salt in the market.
In Payandeh Salt Company ... boilers, steam pots, atomic segregators,
cheese industry, fisheries, etc., its purity is ...
نمک پاینده، سمنان، تماس: 09125321778-09022773-02334208302-02334208303-02334208304-02334208363