کتاب مکانیک
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كتاب كنترل فرکانس سیستم های قدرت Robust Power System Frequency Control
Hassan Bevrani "Robust Power System Frequency Control (Power Electronics and Power Systems)"
Springer | English | 2009-01-15 | ISBN: 0387848770 | 226 pages | PDF
Springer | English | 2009-01-15 | ISBN: 0387848770 | 226 pages | PDF
This book emphasizes the physical and engineering aspects of the power
system frequency control design problem while providing a conceptual
understanding of frequency regulation and application of robust control
techniques. The material develops an appropriate intuition method
relative to the robust load frequency regulation problem in real-world
power systems, rather than describing mathematical analytical methods.
The simplest possible frequency response models and control structures
are used for conceptual explanations and practical control design. The
book summarizes the author's long term research outcomes, contributions
and experiences with power system frequency regulation during more than
a decade of academic and working activities in Iran, Japan, and
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