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آموزش اکسل 2013

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آموزش اکسل 2013 » آموزش اکسل 2013

آموزش برنامه نویسی و ماکرونویسی اکسل MR Excel Macros VBA

In Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel, renowned Excel instructor and author Bill Jelen (MrExcel) teaches all the skills you'll need to automate virtually any routine task with Excel and build powerful Excel macros!

This package brings together nearly eight hours hours of personalized, expert video training: 50 Quick, Practical video lessons All That Demonstrate the skills you'll need to successfully use both the Excel macro recorder and the Visual Basic for Applications development Environment.
LiveLessons are video courses on DVD with a book supplement, that are organized into bite-sized, self-contained sessions – you’ll learn key skills in as little as fifteen minutes. You’ll learn one step at a time, at your own pace – using hands-on examples that reflect realistic challenges and showcase Excel’s remarkable capabilities. Along the way, Jelen will take you from the absolute basics through PivotTables and data filtering.
Delivers the power of the best classroom training!

Excel VBA and Macros with MrExcel delivers the power of the best classroom training at a small fraction of the cost. If you don’t have time to read a huge book on Excel macros and scripting, this is exactly what you’ve been searching for! Each lesson begins with well-defined learning objectives and ends with comprehensive summaries, which help you track your progress. Follow along as your trainer shows you how to make the most of Excel’s macro recorder and its powerful VBA development environment!

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Recording Macros
Lesson 1: Enable Developer Tab & Adjust Macro Security
Lesson 2: Recording your first macro
Lesson 3: Running a Macro
Lesson 4: Using Relative References
Lesson 5: Dealing with a variable number of rows
Lesson 6: Never use AutoSum
Lesson 7: Saving & Later Opening a Macro: Trust Center Settings

Part 2: The VBA Editor
Lesson 8: The Project Explorer, Code Pane, and Properties Window
Lesson 9: VBA Help
Lesson 10: The Object Browser
Lesson 11: Debugging Tools - Step through code
Lesson 12: The Immediate Pane
Lesson 13: The Watch Window
Lesson 14: Debugging Tools - Breakpoints

Part 3: VBA Parts of Speech
Lesson 15: Soccer Analogy
Lesson 16: Regular Variables
Lesson 17: Object Variables
Lesson 18: Better Ways to Refer to Cells
Lesson 19: Declaring Variables & Scope

Part 4: Making Decisions
Lesson 20: Simple If Then
Lesson 21: If Then Else
Lesson 22: Case Select

Part 5: Looping
Lesson 23: Find the last row in the data set today
Lesson 24: The basic For-Next Loop
Lesson 25: Typical Loop Example
Lesson 26: Loops when you have to delete
Lesson 27: Loops to do every other row
Lesson 28: Other loops like While, Do, etc
Lesson 29: The VBA Loop: For Each

Part 6: Dealing with Multiple Worksheets & Workbooks
Lesson 30: Creating new Worksheets
Lesson 31: Creating new workbooks
Lesson 32: Looping through all files in a folder
Lesson 33: Combining All Files in a Folder

Part 7: Formulas and VBA
Lesson 34: Entering Formulas in a Worksheet - A1
Lesson 35: Entering Formulas in a Worksheet - R1C1
Lesson 36: Using an Excel Function in your Code
Lesson 37: Creating a User Defined Function

Part 8: Power Tools
Lesson 38: Advanced Filter
Lesson 39: Filter instead of Looping
Lesson 40: Pivot Tables
Lesson 41: Charts
Lesson 42: Event Handler Macros

Part 9: Interacting
Lesson 43: Interacting Msgbox, Statusbar, InputBox
Lesson 44: GetOpenFileName, GetSaveAsFileName
Lesson 45: Userforms
Lesson 46: Error Handling
Lesson 47: Application.Displayalerts
Lesson 48: Application.ScreenUpdating

Part 10: Best Practices
Lesson 49: Two Workbook-System: Code Workbook and Data Workbook
Lesson 50: Cleaning up Recorded Code

آموزش برنامه نویسی و ماکرونویسی اکسل MR Excel Macros VBA
آموزش تخصصی برنامه نویسی و ماکرو نویسی اکسل 2013 به صورت فیلم vba Excel
آموزش اکسل 2013

۵,۵۰۰ تومان

آموزش تصویری اکسل Excel 2013
آموزش تخصصی اکسل 2013 به صورت فیلم چارت نمودار لیندا lynda
آموزش اکسل 2013

۱۳,۰۰۰ تومان

آموزش برنامه نویسی اکسل Visual Basic Excel 2013
آموزش تخصصی برنامه اکسل 2013 به صورت فیلم vba Excel
آموزش اکسل 2013

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